Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Ava was born with a condition called Pierre Robin. The biggest problem with this condition is that the airway is blocked causing feeding and especially breathing problems. This came as a total shock to us when she was born and since then we have learned alot. We had to do a surgery when she was 9 days old called a tongue lip adhesion, in hopes that this would clear her airway, but in the last month we have found that this didn't help very much. After finding this out, the doctor put her on oxygen when she sleeps, but ultimately decided that she needed another surgery. Tomorrow she is going to have what is called a mandibular (jaw) distraction to pull her lower jaw out. The whole process will take about 2 months and will be difficult for us to see her go through, but in the end will help her breathe better and solve other problems. We love this little girl so much and want to brag about her; she is such a good baby, so good natured and happy overall even with all the things she has gone through. We are nervous for tomorrow but are excited for her to get the help she needs. We love you Ava!

We love this expression

Such a friendly girl