Sunday, October 25, 2009


Well, things are continually interesting (and wonderful for us). Especially since I got a cold this week and Lindsay was more or less solo for many things. She did a great job but is now questioning her sanity, with little sleep and not leaving the house for the whole week. We had a wonderful visit from Alyssa, she cooked for us! It's also nice to have an extra set of hands to help with Ava. Overall she is eating a little more, sometimes surprising us with a extra big feeding. We had our first family outing last Sunday and we went up Logan Canyon for a little fresh air. Ava slept for awhile allowing us to get deep into the canyon but then woke up and started throwing a grand old fit. She cried the whole way back so we didn't pull off until we got to campus. She was pretty exhausted by then but at least she got some sunshine and wind.
We haven't gotten a picture of her smile yet but this looks like there's potential

Our first outing out of the house (for something other than doctors visits)
We found that Ava sleeps best in a "big girl" bed.
Visiting with the Grandparents
Auntie Alyssa with her newest niece

Sunday, October 11, 2009

More Pictures of Ava

This little one is our main focus these days. Things seem to be getting a little better, she is feeding well and and getting bigger, slowly.